COMSOL recently released to all attendees and media the beta edition of COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0, its market-leading multiphysics modeling and simulation environment. Version 4.0 delivers the COMSOL Desktop, an all-new user interface that makes it easy for users to build and run simulations. COMSOL Desktop's sleek design and graphical programming utility combine unprecedented power, ease of use, and flexibility into a single application. With version 4.0, COMSOL will give high-tech firms a competitive edge in product innovation throughout their development departments.
Over the last few years the use of multiphysics simulation has grown rapidly, especially within engineering and R&D departments. With the new COMSOL Desktop environment we’re making it easier for more engineers to apply multiphysics to more applications,” comments Svante Littmarck, President and CEO of COMSOL. “The COMSOL Desktop streamlines the modeling process for a broad user base. This unified interface is built for cross-disciplinary applications and is quick to learn. COMSOL Multiphysics version 4.0 is key in advancing the product design processes for our customers by providing easy access to powerful tools.